If you are looking for “Motherson Sumi Systems share price targets” for upcoming years you are in the right place. Before we dive into Motherson Sumi Systems stock price targets, Let’s understand the Motherson Sumi Systems company background, technical fundamentals etc.
About Motherson Sumi Systems Limited

Motherson Sumi Systems is an Indian fastest growing component manufacturing company for automotive industries. It got established in 1986 and is part of the Motherson Group, Motherson Sumi Systems is a joint venture between Samvardhana Motherson International Ltd of India and Sumitomo Wiring Systems Ltd. of Japan.
Fundamentals of Motherson Sumi Systems
Let’s look at the fundamentals of Motherson Sumi Systems, based on which we can get a clear understanding of the expertise in the technology sector.
- Current Market Cap: The current market cap of Motherson Sumi Systems as of July 29 2022, is ₹25,452.95Cr
- P/E Ratio: The current price to earning ratio of Motherson Sumi Systems is 61.98.
- Sales Growth: Sales growth over the period of time for Motherson Sumi Systems is 0, since its launched its IPO in Jan 2022
- Profit Growth: Profit growth is around 0 over the period of time
Motherson Sumi Systems Price Target Details
We have done a complete analysis of Motherson Sumi Systems and have come up with its share price targets for upcoming years.

Note: These price targets of “Motherson Sumi Systems” is only for reference purpose only, this prediction is only if there are positive market sentiments, and any uncertainties in the company or global market condition is not covered in this analysis.
Motherson Sumi Systems share price target 2023
After analyzing the chart deeply by taking the monthly time frame analysis on the trading view chart of Motherson Sumi Systems we found,
The target share price of Motherson Sumi Systems for the year 2023 will be ₹450
Motherson Sumi Systems share price target 2024
The target share price of Motherson Sumi Systems for the year 2024 will be ₹520
Motherson Sumi Systems share price target 2025
The target share price of Motherson Sumi Systems for the year 2025 will be ₹690
Motherson Sumi Systems share price target 2026
The target share price of Motherson Sumi Systems for the year 2027 will be ₹730
Motherson Sumi Systems share price target 2027 to 2030
The target share price of Motherson Sumi Systems for the years 2027, 2028, 2029, and 2030 will be ₹1230, ₹1400, ₹1800, and ₹2100 respectively.
Year | Motherson Sumi Systems 1st Share Price Targets (₹) | Motherson Sumi Systems 2nd Share Price Targets (₹) |
2023 | 450 | 470 |
2024 | 520 | 590 |
2025 | 690 | 710 |
2026 | 730 | 830 |
2027 | 1230 | 1300 |
2028 | 1400 | 1600 |
2029 | 1800 | 1900 |
2030 | 2100 | 2200 |
Motherson Sumi Technical Analysis
As of September 21, 2023, the current stock price of Motherson Sumi is ₹96.4.
52-Week High and Low
- 52-Week High: ₹104
- 52-Week Low: ₹61.8

Potential Bullish Targets
- Initial Target: ₹105 – Based on the 52-week high and current momentum.
- Intermediate Target: ₹110 – Considering the growth in sales and market cap.
- Advanced Target: ₹120 – If the company continues to maintain its dividend yield and ROCE.
Potential Bearish Targets
- Initial Target: ₹90 – Considering the recent 2.29% drop.
- Intermediate Target: ₹80 – If the company’s sales growth remains poor.
- Advanced Target: ₹70 – If the ROE continues to be low.
Based on the data, Motherson Sumi has a market cap of ₹65,318 Cr. and a Stock P/E of 42.7. The company has shown a compounded sales growth of 7% over the past 5 years but has a low return on equity of 7.16%.
In my opinion, the future of Motherson Sumi looks promising but comes with risks. The company has a strong market presence but needs to improve its sales growth and ROE to sustain long-term growth. Therefore, investing in this stock should be done cautiously, keeping an eye on the technical indicators and company performance.
zometo target 2023